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Eichelberger, Adolphus

Eichelberger, Adolphus

Location: R-Williams

Born: November 26, 1856 McLennan County, Texas

Died: November 6, 1946 McLennan County, Texas

William A Eichelberger (1812 – 1864)
Temperance Wilson Eichelberger (1822 – 1884)

Lou Ella Smith Eichelberger (1859 – 1917)
Maggie Elma Truitt Eichelberger (1893 – 1941)

James Eichelberger (1877 – 1957)
Ernest Eichelberger (1879 – 1961)
Richard Eichelberger (1880 – 1955)
Nora Eichelberger Miller (1882 – 1955)
Nellie Adkisson (1884 – 1972)
Nina Eichelberger (1887 – 1889)
Chas V (Jones) Eichelberger (1889 – 1990)
B. F. Eichelberger (1890 – 1966)

Waco Tribune Herald Thursday November 7, 1946

Eichelberger Funeral Held

Pioneer Dies 20 Days Before His 90th Birthday; Born and Reared in McLennan County

Funeral services for Adolph Eichelberger were held at China Spring Methodist Church Thursday at 2 p.m.

Mr. Eichelberger, who was born and reared in McLennan County, died Wednesday morning in a local hospital, 10 days before he would have observed his 90th birthday.

He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. M.M. Miller of Arlington and Mrs. G. B. Atkinson of Abernathy; four sons, Jim Eichelberger, Ernest Eichelberger, Dick Eichelberger and B. F. Eichelberger; 23 grandchildren and 28 great-grandchildren.

Burial was in the Eichelberger Family Cemetery in China Spring.

Mr. Eichelberger and his family were moved from the Eichelberger Cemetery to China Spring Cemetery for the Lake Waco Dam expansion.




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