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Robinson, Cara Josephine Gordon

Robinson, Cara Josephine

Location: M-Harris

Born: May 27, 1911

Died: June 14, 2004 Crockett, Houston County, Texas

Clarence E Gordon (1878 – 1948)
Charlsie McLennan Gordon (1881 – 1974)

John Chandler Robinson (1923 – 1992)

Funeral services were held for Josephine Gordon Robinson of Crockett, on Thursday, June 17, 2004, in the China Spring Cemetery with the Rev. Bill Schibler officiating.

She was born to Clarence E. Gordon and Charlsie A. McLennan and passed away on Monday,  June 14, 2004, in Crockett.

Her family members included her husband, John C. Robinson; brother and sister-in-law, Herbert McLennan Gordon and wife, Floriede.  Robinson was affiliated with the First Christian Church in McGregor.

Survivors include nephew, Donald J. Gordon and wife, Judy,of Crockett; great nephew, Laughlin Gordon of Montrose, Co.; and great niece, Donna Gordon Kaspar of Crockett.  Interment was at China Spring Cemetery in China Spring under the direction of Clifton Funeral Home.

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